Pulsachiziții.md is an online platform that aims to keep a finger on the pulse of public procurement in the Republic of Moldova.

The web page is created within the “Increasing the integrity of public procurement” project, implemented by the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul”, in partnership with Partnership for Transparency (USA).

The “Increasing the integrity of public procurement” project aims to support public procurement reforms in Moldova that will increase transparency and fairness in public procurement by empowering citizens to hold relevant institutions accountable.

IDIS “Viitorul”
Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
Since 1993

IDIS “Viitorul” is an independent think tank established in 1993 that combines social, political and economic research with strong advocacy components. The institution conducts applied monitoring research in several areas: economics, social policy, EU policies, regional development, and security and foreign policy risks.

Partnership for Transparency
Since 2000

Partnership for Transparency (PTF) is based in Washington, DC and its mission is to promote innovative civil society-led approaches to improving governance, increasing transparency, promoting the rule of law, and reducing corruption in developing and emerging countries. Since 2000, PTF has supported over 250 projects aimed at promoting NGO involvement in decisions, processes, and laws that enforce transparency and accountability in public procurement.

About the „Increasing the integrity in public procurement” Project

The project „Increasing the integrity in public procurement” implemented by IDIS „Viitorul” and PTF has the overall goal of increased public procurement transparency through citizen monitoring and reporting in Moldova to hold stakeholders involved in public procurement processes accountable, inducing them to operate with integrity to perform their duties more effectively. To achieve this goal, it has set out the following objectives:

  • Objective 1. Moldovan CSOs and journalists are sufficiently equipped to conduct meaningful monitoring of procurement processes.
  • Objective 2: Procurement procedures and practices are appropriately monitored by Moldovan CSOs   and journalists making use of the e-procurement system and other sources of information.
  • Objective 3: Findings and recommendations resulting from credible and professional CSO monitoring are taken seriously and acted upon by contracting entities, contractors and government oversight and law enforcement entities including the National Anti-Corruption Center
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